Week 1: Day 7: Seek Him

As I was spending some quiet time with God, I leafed through an adult colouring book about the promises of God. I finally landed on a page with Jeremiah 29:13 on it – “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Cool. That’s exactly the reminder I need […]

Week 1: Day 6: Seek Him

Part 1 – Seek – But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.            Matthew 6:33 What do you “seek” first when you need to console yourself? Where do you run when it hurts?  If what the bible says about […]

Week 1: Day 5: Come Alive in Christ – Seek Him

Colossians 3:1-17  Throughout this passage, there are three things I noticed that show us what it means to be alive in Christ. 1) Setting your heart and mind on things above doesn’t mean you can never be present in things here on earth, it means you need to do it all for the glory of […]

Week 1: Day 4: Wise Men Still Seek Him

“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him.” Psalms 34:8 (NLT). A baby – the Messiah – was born into the world. Both back then and now, individuals have reacted differently to the presence of the Lord in their life. Let’s look at two of […]

Week 1: Day 3: Seek Him

Today I was listening to a man reading with great expression the first ten chapters of John. I like listening. It’s incredible how many truths resonate with a renewed understanding of the Holy Scriptures when I listen! In Chapter eight, Jesus is explaining that he is the one. The one what? The one that the […]

Week 1: Day 2: Seek Him

Luke 1:13a Isn’t that an amazing announcement? Isn’t that what we are longing to hear? Zechariah had prayed for a son, and I suspect he prayed that prayer for years. But I also suspect that he gave up when he and his wife had gotten too old to have a child. And then….WHAM….a huge answer […]

Week 1: Day 1: Seeking Him, Waiting for Him – Letting God Dig Deep.

Seeking and waiting.  On the surface, these two terms seem to be more opposite than alike, however, they both have a few things in common.  They are both active and intentional; they both require time, perseverance, and patience. Now one may not ever really be 100% sure of when the eventual result will materialize or […]

Going on A Journey Nov 29-Dec 24

We are about to go on a journey together. This has been a year that no one could prepare for. Death of famous celebrities, Covid, elections, politics, murderous hornets and much more. These are things happening on a global scale that have given rise to “2020” being used like a swear word. Closer to home, […]

Connection 2020

Thanks for coming to our Connection Meeting 2020. To engage with the meeting please download the attached report. This document is best used with a tablet! COMPLETE MEETING PACKAGE https://chapelridge.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/connection2020.pdf

Day 40: The End of the Beginning

“It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don’t use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows. For everything we know about […]