“Let us acknowledge the LORD, let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth. Hosea 6:3 NIV
Acknowledge – accept or admit the existence or truth of, affirm, avow, broadcast, proclaim, recognize the importance of
Press in – to continue moving forward in a forceful or steady way; to continue to do something especially in a determined way.
Have you ever thought about why God created human beings – especially with all that is going on in the world or when we look at our own failings? Here in the middle of Hosea, a story of unfaithfulness, repentance and restoration, we catch a glimpse of why – God longs for us to know Him so he can come to us, appear to us, and have a relationship with us.
The Lord wants us to acknowledge, to admit and to accept that God IS and is faithful and true to his word. But it is more than a passive acceptance. It is one that presses on to acknowledge him in a determined, steady way. Like Mary of Bethany who went against the socially accepted norms of the day, entered Simon’s house at meal time and poured oil on Jesus’ feet acknowledging who he was and what he had done for her.
The beautiful, wonderful thing about this is, that Jesus looked upon her with favour even as he reprimanded Simon (John 12: 1- 11). This verse in Hosea tells us that this is what he does when we acknowledge and press in to him. He WILL appear, he WILL come to us as surely as the sun rises, as the winter and spring rains come. Jesus will come.
Isn’t it exciting to part of a body that is collectively pressing in to him? God spoke to individuals and to nations and he is speaking to us. We can be sure He will come – to us individually and corporately – he has given his word that he will. And for that I am very thankful.
Acknowledge him, press in to him – HE WILL COME.
In what ways can I tangibly acknowledge God today?
Are there areas of my life that are void of God’s acknowledgement?
Take some time and seek the Lord, name all the things in your life and how you acknowledge God as playing a role in them. His role in your work, your family, your kids lives, your relatives lives, you creative outlets, your abilities, your gifts, and the simply beauties of life around you. Then ask the Lord to appear to you today!