I am always so deeply moved by the fact that Jesus is willing to touch, to take hold of, the least attractive part of us and wash it clean …. His desire is not to display the muck of our journey to those around us, simply to quietly wash it away … and always we have this choice …. to withdraw and hide our “feet”, or receive Jesus’ touch ……
Thank you Pastor. We studied the same passage this morning in our ladies group. Pastor Ken shared. There is much to delve into in these passages. How amazing that Jesus humbled himself and took the place of a servant by washing the feet of his disciples. An example for us all to be ready to minister always.
I am always so deeply moved by the fact that Jesus is willing to touch, to take hold of, the least attractive part of us and wash it clean …. His desire is not to display the muck of our journey to those around us, simply to quietly wash it away … and always we have this choice …. to withdraw and hide our “feet”, or receive Jesus’ touch ……
I am also amazed that he knows the depth of human sin and was willing to still put himself up as a sacrifice for our sin. Incredible…
Thank you Pastor. We studied the same passage this morning in our ladies group. Pastor Ken shared. There is much to delve into in these passages. How amazing that Jesus humbled himself and took the place of a servant by washing the feet of his disciples. An example for us all to be ready to minister always.
Each time I come to prepare for John I see more and more there, what an amazing gospel the Spirit inspired John to author.