Feb 16th Church Service is cancelled due to weather.

Worship Songs – June 20, 2021

Worship Songs April 18 2021

Blessed Be Your Name How Great Is Our God How Great Thou Art How He Loves It Is Well Revelation Song Shout to The Lord Way Maker

Revelation Song

Verse 1 Worthy is the Lamb Who was slainHoly holy is HeSing a new song to Him Who sits onHeaven’s mercy seat Chorus Holy holy holyIs the Lord God AlmightyWho was and is and is to comeWith all creation I singPraise to the King of kingsYou are my ev’rythingAnd I will adore You Verse 2 […]

It Is Well

It Is Well Verse 1 When peace like a river attendeth my wayWhen sorrows like sea billows rollWhatever my lot You have taught me to sayIt is well it is well with my soul Chorus 1 It is well it is wellThrough the storm I am heldIt is well it is well with my soul […]

Blessed Be Your Name

Verse 1 Blessed be Your nameIn the land that is plentifulWhere Your streams of abundance flowBlessed be Your name Verse 2 Blessed be Your nameWhen I’m found in the desert placeThough I walk through the wildernessBlessed be Your name Pre-Chorus Ev’ry blessing You pour out I’llTurn back to praiseWhen the darkness closes in LordStill I […]

Shout to the Lord

Verse My Jesus my SaviourLord there is none like YouAll of my days I want to praiseThe wonders of Your mighty loveMy comfort my shelterTower of refuge and strengthLet every breath all that I amNever cease to worship You Chorus Shout to the LordAll the earth let us singPower and majestyPraise to the KingMountains bow […]

Way Maker

Verse 1 You are here moving in our midstI worship You I worship YouYou are here working in this placeI worship You I worship You Chorus (You are) Way Maker Miracle Worker Promise KeeperLight in the darkness my God that is who You are Verse 2 You are here touching ev’ry heartI worship You I […]

How He Loves

Verse 1 He is jealous for me loves like a hurricaneI am a tree bending beneathThe weight of His wind and mercyWhen all of a sudden I am unaware ofThese afflictions eclipsed by gloryI realize just how beautiful You areAnd how great Your affections are for me Pre-Chorus Oh how He loves us soOh how […]

How Great Thou Art

Verse 1 O Lord my GodWhen I in awesome wonderConsider all the worldsThy hands have madeI see the starsI hear the rolling thunderThy pow’r thru’outThe universe displayed Chorus Then sings my soulMy Savior God to TheeHow great Thou artHow great Thou artThen sings my soulMy Savior God to TheeHow great Thou artHow great Thou art […]

How Great Is Our God

Verse 1 The splendor of the KingClothed in majestyLet all the earth rejoiceAll the earth rejoiceHe wraps Himself in lightAnd darkness tries to hideAnd trembles at His voiceAnd trembles at His voice Chorus How great is our GodSing with meHow great is our GodAnd all will see how greatHow great is our God Verse 2 […]