Such a deep ask of me, my God, as I am so painfully aware of all the other loves in my heart, my love of family, friends, comfort, yes, even ministry ….. and yet, You ask for my whole heart. I am caught in the tension of my desire for You, my fearsome yearning to be who you are calling me to be, and the needs and expectations of those around me with the pull of all those other loves.
Therefore I pray…
So I humble myself before You, Lord as I lay out my life
and pour out my heart as an offering.
In brokenness I come to you.
Weak and weary I offer you all that I am.
Hold me close Lord, help me say goodbye to me….
let my heart know that You are all I need.
I’m tired of living somewhere in between my love for You
and my life for me.
Help me cast down every idol I have built.
Come and fill this broken vessel.
Heal me with the wonder of Your touch.
Prepare my heart to love only You
as I honor Your claim
upon this amazed and simple child.
I relate. Me too Lord. Amen