One of our core values at Chapel Ridge is to be a missions-minded and a mission-sending church.
Our missionary vision is to inspire and encourage a heart towards missions, teach about the needs of the world, assist short‐term and full‐time missionaries, and commission missionaries to do God’s work. Our particular passion and focus is to care for and serve our missionaries through prayer, and to stay in regular communication with them, providing practical and emotional support. Our other passion is to bring short‐term mission opportunities to the younger generation.
Full-time international, national and local missionaries that Chapel Ridge supports:
Laurie Armstrong – Power to Change – Students (Creative Communications department)
Mark and Angelica – Creative access outreach
Ian and Rebecca – Creative access outreach
Randy and Tracey Haw – ACCI (ACCI staff/Member Care Team)
Tony Hedrick – ACCI (missionary to Europe)
Sarah Jackson – One Way Ministries (Lead for Pray Ottawa)
Aaron and Eileen Lawler – Operation Mobilisation
Mark and Tracy Peterkins – One Way Ministries (Executive Director)
Henk and Irene Wolthaus – OM (Serving with Operation Mobilization, Friends for Dinner Int’l Student outreach and evangelism)
Sam and Sarah Wolthaus – ACCI (Pastor and church planters in Germany)
Chapel Ridge supports sending groups, families and individuals on short-term mission trips. In 2018, short term trips were undertaken to Guatemala (Compassion International), Thailand/Vietnam (YWAM), England (Ellel Ministries), India (ACCI) and Costa Rica (Camp Iawah). Trips in 2019 include Dominican Republic (Health Teams International), First Nations (Camp Cherith), Philippines (YWAM), creative access countries, Belize (ACCI), Ottawa Urban Partnership (InterVarsity), Malawi (One Mission Society), England (Ellel Ministries), Germany (OM), Greece (ACCI), Russia (ACCI), and Africa Trek (OM).
Updates from FACE (Malawi):
During the launch of our building expansion project at Chapel Ridge, the congregation committed to set aside one-tenth of all the funds raised to invest in one or more global building projects. Chapel Ridge is partnering with Galcom to build the first Christian radio station in the unreached Muslim country of Guinea Bissau, West Africa. Construction began in May 2019. Stay tuned to hear about the additional global building project(s) with which Chapel Ridge will be partnering.
ACCI (Adventive Cross-Cultural Initiatives) is a global missions sending organization started by the founding pastor of Chapel Ridge, Tony Hedrick, in 2002. There are now ACCI missionaries in over 25 countries. The International Director of ACCI, the Canadian Director of ACCI, and some of the founding board members, attend Chapel Ridge. For more information, see www.adventive.ca .
Chapel Ridge has an active refugee sponsorship program which undertakes to support incoming families and individuals in conjunction with the Free Methodist Church in Canada which is a Support Agreement Holder recognized by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).