
1. In person. You can give during the Sunday service by cash or cheque. If you would like church envelopes for regular giving, feel free to request them by contacting the church office ( or 613-831-1024).
2. Online. There are a few online giving options:
- You can give directly by clicking the button below.
- You can click here to give through the Canada Helps website. Please note that a small fee is taken off your donation.
- You can also click here to download a pre-authorized payment form. You can print it, fill it out and email a copy with void check to OR. Put it in a clearly marked sealed envelope and put it in the wall safe by the main office.
3. Chapel Ridge church app. We are pleased to offer our church mobile app as an efficient way to give. The app also provides other resources, such as audio and video sermons from Sunday services, live-streaming services, the church calendar, a full electronic Bible, and much more. You can access our custom app by clicking the Apple or Android store link below. After downloading the app, search for “Chapel Ridge Free Methodist Church” within the app, select it, and then you’re app will be ready to use. If you have any technical difficulties, please email for assistance.
4. Text to Give. You can text the word give to 613-703-6517. You will then be prompted to complete a quick one-time setup. After that, whenever you wish to give, you can simply text the specific dollar amount to the number above.
Note that all methods provide you with a tax receipt.