Hello Chapel Ridge please watch the video above for details regarding a 3 week trial of two services.
RED ZONE?: No changes to capacity for Sunday morning attendance.
March 28, April 4, April 11 we will be running two services at 9am and 11am.
9am – No children’s church, no children’s video, no streaming.
11am – STREAMING LIVE – Children’s church as normal, JK-Gr 4 dismissed after the worship time.
For those who previously registered for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, I am sorry you will have to re-register. Registration for these services will be open at 12 noon Friday March 19!
If you have questions please put them in the comments!
Good afternoon! Thank you so much for this! I’m so thankful to be part of a church that recognizes the importance of gathering together, even to the extent of adding services! May God bless you richly as you continue to minister to us all! If there is anything that I can do to help in any way and make this easier, please do not hesitate to ask. I would be delighted to contribute if I can!
Welcome to Chapel Ridge, Corie and Micheline!
Thank you for your support Corie!
Thank-you for the extra effort of two services
Will there be a Good Friday service?
Hello Erika,
We are finalizing a few details today at staff meeting and will make an announcement probably on Wed!
Thank you to the teachers and the worship teams and the cleaners and all the other volunteers on board to make these two services happen!! Just an idea… Wouldn’t it be cool to give the worship team each week the option of playing an extra worship song or two during the shorter 9 am service?