I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14
A verse that I have held onto throughout the years is Psalm 139:14. It is a verse that reminds me of God’s love for me, my perfection in him, and the awe-inspiring fact that the God of this universe created me.
I have often struggled with feeling inadequate or not enough. I looked at people around me and only saw what I was lacking. I have been mocked for the way I speak and slowly started to believe that God had made a mistake, that this part of me should be hidden. I thought that this part of me was a mistake, an imperfection, and something to be ashamed of. It wasn’t until I spent time with the Lord, understanding his heart for me, that I realized I was perfect the way he made me.
When we commune with God there are no expectations of perfection. It is a time for you to come before Christ as the broken, raw, fearfully and wonderfully made person the Lord created you to be. We are not asked to change, present a different version, or perfect ourselves before communing with God. In fact, this can hinder our relationship with Him, because what is supposed to be a time about Him has now become a charade about you. He wants you to come exactly the way he made you. He wants to speak His truth over you, that he created you in His image. By hiding ourselves when entering into a time of communion, we stop God from speaking to us as our attention is placed on ourselves and not on Him.
The last part of the verse is a bit trickier. “And my soul knows it very well”. It is not enough to say that we are enough in Christ and that he has made us perfectly. We must believe this statement in our heart, which encompasses our mind, will, and emotions. In your heart and spirit, you must believe that the God of the universe created you perfectly, and this only comes from spending time with him. As you commune with God and see his heart, you will fully understand what you mean/are to him. Spend time in his word, reading what he has said about you, talk to him about how you feel, and listen to what he is actively saying to you.
Communing with the Lord requires us to come with our walls down. To show the parts of us that we believe are broken and unlovable so that God may show us the beauty that he sees and the wonderful creation that he intended us to be. For he created you in his image. And to understand in our heart and soul God’s love for us, we must spend time with him. As you read his word, talk to him, and most importantly listen to him, you will understand his heart for you and his overwhelming love for you.
‘And my soul knows it very well’ – I appreciate how you pulled out a trickier part of the verse and working that out with the Lord.