Day 9: Be Still

“Be still and know that I am God” – Psalm 46:10

The Lord has been repeatedly speaking this verse to me during the past two years; it comes during a very tumultuous season in my life where there have been many difficulties and challenges outside of my control.

This verse is also a part of a section of Scripture that proclaims the power of God and the security we have in Him.  Often this passage is interpreted to mean quietness in God’s presence. That is certainly helpful. However, as I studied and meditated upon it I learned some very interesting truths.  

In the original Hebrew for “be still and know”, the emphasis would have been on the second imperative.  In other words, the meaning of this Scripture is that in order to know God, we must surrender to Him.  Surrendering means “letting go”.  Letting go of my own agenda. Letting go of my pride, and my striving.  Letting go of the treasures and pleasures of this world. Letting go of my worries and anxieties.  Letting go of my own understanding and trying to fix things in my own strength. Letting go of anything and everything that distracts me from devotion to Him, and Him alone.  

It has been a process.  I am still in process. Surrendering is a choice I have had to make daily.  I find I often try to climb back onto the platform of making my own plans, doing things my way.  Can I really trust Him to fix that broken relationship? Do I really want His will in that decision I have to make?  But the Lord in His mercy continues to hem me in. He continues to press me, (even crush me), sift me, search me, and through it all, call me to Himself.  

I have learned that it is better to choose to “let go” and “let God”.  Despite life’s circumstances my desire is to trust the Lord, to worship Him, to thank Him, and to praise Him in all things, especially the most difficult ones.  

I woke up the other morning with my spirit singing these verses from Psalm 121:

I lift my eyes up to the mountains – where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

I choose to trust His direction in restoring the broken relationships.  I choose to trust Him to call back family members who have strayed. I choose to trust Him to give direction in difficult decisions that must be made.  I choose to trust Him with my loved ones as I watch them struggle in pain. I choose to trust Him to provide for all my needs. I choose to trust Him to refine me, and to prepare me for His Kingdom to come.  I choose to be still, and know that He is God.

Is there anything today in which I need to be still about?
What area of my life do I need to have covered by the fact that He is God and I am not?
Is there something I need to be letting go of that I know distracts me from a deeper relationship with the Lord?

3 thoughts on “Day 9: Be Still

  1. Lovely calming thoughts, to be still and know that He is God. I’m reminded of the early days of my salvation when my life was in turmoil, and we would sing this scripture to a beautiful, yet simple melody. Thank you

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